Confessing Animals
Seasoned and fresh-faced artists (of every genre) discuss how to make creativity work within the complexities and challenges of adult life. Confessing Animals podcast co-hosts Frances Story + Vanessa Aricco, both working writers, unveil the secrets and struggles of creative living in a rapid fire capitalist society. One guest at a time, Jen + Vanessa ask, How Does Your Life Translate to Art?
Intro and all music provided by Ashley Raines
Confessing Animals
The Redemption Journey: Poet Jen Harris
Poet Jen Harris (she/they) is a creative entrepreneur based in Kansas City, Missouri. A sought-after performance artist, Harris is the co-host of Confessing Animals Podcast, interviewing seasoned and fresh-faced artists (of every genre) to discuss how to make creativity work within the complexities and challenges of adult life. She is the founder and host of The Writing Workshop KC, whose mission is to nurture creative curiosity and inspire confidence within prompt-based writing workshops.
Find her online at and @poetjenharris on Instagram.
Show Notes:
A Mother’s Hunger by Amanda Roth
Meow Wolf Santa Fe
Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
William Blake, poet
John of the Cross, The Dark Night of the Soul
Saturn Return
Gertrude Stein & Alice B. Toklas
James Baldwin
Nina Simone
The Heretics
Seasoned and fresh-faced artists (of every genre) discuss how to make creativity work within the complexities and challenges of adult life. Confessing Animals podcast co-hosts Jen Harris + Vanessa Aricco, both working writers, unveil the secrets and struggles of creative living in a rapid fire capitalist society. One guest at a time, Jen + Vanessa ask, How Does Your Life Translate to Art?
Intro & music provided by Ashley Raines
Follow us on Instagram @confessinganimalspodcast
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