Confessing Animals
Seasoned and fresh-faced artists (of every genre) discuss how to make creativity work within the complexities and challenges of adult life. Confessing Animals podcast co-hosts Frances Story + Vanessa Aricco, both working writers, unveil the secrets and struggles of creative living in a rapid fire capitalist society. One guest at a time, Jen + Vanessa ask, How Does Your Life Translate to Art?
Intro and all music provided by Ashley Raines
Confessing Animals
DIRT, WATER, & GRACE: Rev. Dr. Peter Tremain
Peter Tremain is a retired Lutheran Pastor, who served as Pastor of three congregations over a span of forty years. After retirement and the death of his wife he traveled solo outside the USA at least two months a year for the last ten years with only a backpack, staying in hostels, walking the 500 mile long Camino de Santiago in 2013. He is interested in Contemplative Spirituality as it transcends the arbitrary boundary between the sacred and secular nurturing a non-dualistic view of reality.
Show Notes:
End of life care
Stephen Hawking
Sam Harris
Simone Weil
Contemplative spirituality
Mark Rothko
Franz Kline
Intro & music provided by Ashley Raines
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